Nancy serves dinner in her Italian garden with a cascade of contorni that highlight the season’s best: roasted tomatoes with thyme & black olives; roasted cauliflower with caraway seeds; baked cabbage with olive oil; and baked onions with sage and vinegar.
American Apple Baking Baking Best Of Butter Cabbage Caramelizing Cauliflower Cheese Cocktail Hour Condiments Cooking Method Crème Fraiche Cuisine Dietary Dinner Dish Type Eggplant Entertaining European Everyday Family Meals Flavor Profiles Food Type French Fruits Frying Garlic Global Gluten-Free Grape Holidays Interest Italian Lemon Lessons Lunch Main Dishes Main Ingredient Meal Type Mediterranean Middle Eastern Mint Occasions Olive Oil Onion Outdoor Parties Potato Quick Meals Restaurant-like Dishes Roasting Rosemary Sauces Savory Side Dishes Snacks Sour Special Occasions Starters Summer Sweet Thanksgiving Thyme unknown Vegan Vegetables Vegetarian Vinegar Weekend Yogurt