Great pantry intro! Can’t wait for upcoming classs and to get my Island Cooking on!

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Great pantry intro! Can’t wait for upcoming classs and to get my Island Cooking on!
Love it. It was such a moving story, It brought tears to my eyes. She’s an inspiration to me and I pray she will continue to inspire women all over the world. Thanks!
A wonderful cooking segment.I love anything that has coconut in it can’t wait to try thisThank you Chef
Love how he did the salad, just breaking the lettuce and tomato with his hands! it certainly brings a whole new meaning to the word, “rustic”! Quite lovely!
I made the jerk paste using dark soy sauce. It was a complete game changer. This recipe is delicious and a staple I didn’t know I needed.
Love – it, love-it, love-it. Amazing eggplant. The touch of garlic and time is magic. Be sure in my next menus. Thank you.
Awesome class instruction. All of the foundational flavors of Jamaica beautifully demonstrated. Can’t wait to make these! Thanks!
This was delicious and quick to make. I will definitely make it again soon.Perfect!
I’ve been doing my basmatI rice wrong! Will be trying this dish and washing it correctly with these wonderful tips.
Excellent story! Made me really want to cook and eat some Jamaican food. That’s next.
Such a well done introduction into the life and character of this soulful young Chef. My YesChef journey is off to a great start because of it!
Simply divine! The videography is so lovely and I am now salivating and craving the aromas of the food and the feel of the fire.. beautiful! Thank you Francis!
I am so happy to see you here! Loved you on Top Chef, loved your book, and loved seeing the footage in Jamaica.
Ok I love this and as a person who loves to cook by fire I also would love to build and outdoor hearth fire such as yours. I have a wood fired oven .Thank you for the inspiration!
I thoroughly enjoyed this beautiful and rich story of a true Argentinian treasure.
Excellent video and cooking lesson.Very valuable cooking lesson and I look forward to making stocks with newfound confidence. Thank you!
Fantastic! The photography and music fully compliment the beauty of the food.
I have learned so much about Jamaica’s culture and history – I absolutely loved Kwame’s introduction! I can’t wait to try these dishes. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank you! She is so clear with her instructions. Left me inspired to make this dish. Can’t wait to watch the rest of her episodes.
I learned a new way to make empanadas. I will give it a try. Great video, and amazing explanations by this master chef.
Just love this I can smell it from my house. I wish I could go cook and spend a day with you ? Shukran. Will be trying this recipe for sure!
Oh how I love this! I live in a place where all this is possible. One fire, one plancha at a time. Besos
Lovely presentation…lovely lady! Excellent explanation, Asma speaks from the heart of home cooking … Thank you
This was my first class in YesChef… oh my goodness it was amazing! Thank you for this amazing recipe. Now onto the next one!!
As a potato addict, this is wonderful! I am definitely playing more with the shape of potatoes. The natural background of the Andes is breathtaking.
The surrounding area is so soothing and restful. Your cooking is simple but most importantly beautiful.Thanks!
I have just tried it and it tastes amazing. Thank you for sharing the recipe and your knowledge. The dish is really tasty!
Jamie Oliver’s lesson on making pasta is a good example of taking your time to make a delicious meal. His insights on YesChef makes a difference for home cooks.
Jamie Oliver is the best! Easy to follow recipes, nutritious with common ingredients. Delicious! I have added several to my week night meal rotations.
Excellent! This class was put together very well! From the beautiful jerk to the heart and friendship of the chefs involved. It profoundly moved me.
I always wondered how the smooth texture is achieved…love the process.
Very instructive, inspiring and fun. Finally the instructions, visible and clear, that will make me cross this bridge and make my home-made pasta!
I absolutely love the flavours that come together in this recipe. I will definitely make this again as it is now a family favourite! Thank,you ?
Wow, this has left my mouth watering! I can’t wait to try cooking some Jamaican food.
She is great.She does not just cook in front of the camera like most.She actually teaches us how to cook.
Jamie, I joined YesChef because of you, and what a start! Can’t wait for the next lessons to go live, thank you, you are genius. Can’t wait to have a go at this! Thank you
Genuinely nice, Jamie keeps things amazingly simple, so you truly get excited to execute yourself right away, as the recipe and execution is effortless steps, few, and big payout.
Absolutely love Jamie Oliver. Learn’t so much n love the passion for cooking
What an amazing chef and human being! I can’t wait for this series.
I am so excited about Jamie Oliver’s class. I am also really enjoying the other chefs on YESCHEF. Thank you so much for putting it all together for all of US!
That was awesome! Clear instructions and great examples. Enjoyed the history lesson too! Thank you.
Who doesn’t just LOVE Jamie Oliver! Super excited to see him on this platform. Especially excited to see his story. Those are my favorite parts of YesChef
Thanks so much for sharing your family recipe! Really heckin delicious and a treat to make
Just stunning. Not only is the teaching crisp and thorough, but Jamie makes the process beautiful.
Absolutely loved this! I will be trying to do this very soon, thank you!
What a great trailer!!! My passion for Jamie MAKES me want to learn to cook wonderful dishes from the produce of my garden!! Can’t wait to get started with you, Jamie!!!
Just made this for my family. The Kalbi butter was fantastic. Grilled the lemon and lightly drizzled over meat and veggies. Perfect BBQ meal.
I like Asma more and more with each subsequent video! Can’t wait to try a recipe. Looks delicious!
Have always enjoyed watching Jamie on TV in Canada. I love his enthusiasm for his work and his love for his family. I am looking forward to seeing more from him here on YesChef!
Love Jaime Oliver! Can’t wait to see all the cooking classs! Wish he could come and tour the U.S. to meet him in person.
Uncomplicated recipes made simple for the non-professional cook, but delicious.
Great start to the YesChef series. I always enjoy watching Jamie cook.
I’ve never seen Asma onscreen before. Great screen presence and mouthwatering recipe!
Just wonderful to watch, now all I want to do is make pasta. Hope mine tastes as good as yours looks!
Love this class. I’ve made fresh pasta for years and this is just a wonderful reminder that simple is best. Can’t wait for more classes! Thank you YesChef!
Been looking forward to watching Jamie on YesChef, a great lesson from the word go! Can’t wait to put it into practice!
Very informative, full of good “side” suggestions, well-paced – grateful that I subscribed ??
I’m going to make this today, feel inspired! Thanks Jamie! Loving the YesChef, always have loved Jamie. Inspirational chef and all round good guy.
Simply wonderful in so many ways. So glad I signed up. My 11 year old son has made pasta from scratch following along with you Jamie, thank you. “So proud of myself mom.” Magic.
I’m eager to try this!! Thank you, Jamie for producing such inspirational, beautiful lessons.
This was my first experience with YesChef. What an incredible experience it was! I already feel like I got my money’s worth for subscribing to YesChef!
Great info on eggs! That the eggs keep on cooking after they leave the pan is very helpful. I cook eggs every day ????
Jamie makes it easy for anyone to make homemade pasta. I like that I don’t have to use “metal” utensils to always roll it out – thank you
I’ve been watching your cooking shows since I found “The Naked Chef”. I adore your cooking shows. If I had a chance to meet any chef, it would be you. Thank you Jamie!
Jamie’s passion for food is so heartfelt – he makes you want to cook and gets you excited to get into the kitchen and create. He is the reason I signed up for YesChef!
Yaaaaas Jamie!!! Thank you for your absolutely amazing passion and teaching. So much gratitude.
Excellent! I am so happy that I signed up for YesChef. Thank you, Chef Mallmann!!
Wonderful teacher. The prawns were very good. I will cook my rice the way it was described in the video.♥️
This is so simple and down to the essence of incredible basic ingredients.
I cannot wait to try this! The passion, the love of the process, and it’s result really come through in this format. This is why I signed up.
Such an inspiration! I love learning new recipes and techniques. Oliver makes cooking an spiritual experience.
I love this class on Jamaican cuisine. I look forward to trying your recipes Chef!
Inspirational and possibly one of the most useful condiments I’ve made from scratch. Dying to try a sweeter hazelnut Version.Thank you Chef!
Learned something on the very first class. I never knew about taking the backbone out.
Beautiful!! Nancy takes you on an adventure with her! Makes you want to go to a farmer’s market, pick up what’s in season and start cooking! Thanks!
I love it! So inspiring and romantic. I want to go there and cook with Francis. Or try and replicate it with my family in the mountains. Thank you!
I have been inspired by this man and his philosophy since I was a young cook. This is probably the best snippet and view on his life I have ever seen.
Amazing clssses dear Nancy. You bring the taste of italian food to everyone even to people who have never been to Italy. Thank you!
An excellent class!!! I’ve learned so much! From how to use lemongrass, how to chop, how to use cabbage leaves for steaming and much much more. Thanks!
A super “chefy” Version of a fried Bologna sandwich. Looks beyond amazing. A simple idea raised up.
Easy to follow directions, fun and love learning Chef’s techniques. Made the whole meal and everything was delicious and fun!
Another great example of why this is so different from any other online culinary offering, Chef Lee highlights technique as much as an actual recipe.Thanks!
Absolutely heaven!! Will be making this in the Spring when my outdoor kitchen is finished. Love your style
Great dish, great presentation, nothing as good as watching someone who loves food doing their thing!
Chef Mallmann, you, again, made my day. Potatoes salad the best. Cooling down with the water of the lake, Thank you.
OMG. That was one awesome omelet. It will be great for Valentine breakfast. I can’t wait to make it. I almost smelled the eggs it looked so delicious and full of flavor. Thank you
Is a very good lesson about cooking fish with salt. To me one of the best way to eat a fresh catch. Agreed about not put any think else besides olive oil. Thank you Chef.
I feel his style is comforting, peaceful, informative, personable and not intimidating at all. I am so happy I have discovered this. Best money I’ve spent on myself.
Tortilla wonderful, the cooking of the 3 types of onions is super good. Thanks to the lady, that gave you the idea to cook tortilla.
I have cooked eggs for years, but you bring them to a whole new level of respect and taste.
Can’t wait to try. Video very helpful because I would have panicked watching the cream break down.
All his recipes are spectacular and he is smart and charming and delightful!
I love the concept of taking humble dishes and raising them to the heavens and then enjoying them with family and friends. Bravo Francis!
He is so passionate about every aspect of his craft. His energy draws you into wanting to know more about him. Bravo!
Love this class… spent the whole day going through each lesson. Will be hitting the Indian market tomorrow.
I find this man to be magical. His Passion and reverence is breath taking!
OMG! my favourite cooking class that I have ever watched! Francis is a legend and I love his style. The best mix of potato cooking I’ve seen.
Francis Mallmann is the reason I purchased this series, and the reason I now cook with live fire at my BnB, Nettles Farm, on LummI Island in Washington. Because of him each of my suites has a fire pit, a fire dome, an iron cross, a chappa, and a charbroiler. He is a joy to watch and listen to. Thank you for this great work! Riley Starks, former owner of the Willows Inn on LummI Island.
That was excellent! I cant wait to try each one! And yes, it is not the taste of the food or wine, but the love of life! Thank you!
Mallmann’s presentations are philosophy and poetry interwoven with his obvious joy of life.
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