Discover how to infuse vanilla pods in honey to make a delicate and subtly sweet treat. Just a little bit of vanilla honey can raise the bar on any dish.
Category: Honey
American Barbecue BBQ & Grilling Best Of Brunch Christmas Condiments Cooking Method Cuisine Dairy Desserts Dietary Dish Type Entertaining European Everyday Flavor Profiles Food Type Fruits Gluten-Free Grilling Hazelnut Honey Interest Italian Lessons Main Ingredient Meal Type Mediterranean Nuts Nuts Occasions Pantry Picnics Restaurant-like Dishes Ricotta Roasting Romantic Savory Snacks Special Occasions Summer Sweet Tea Time Thanksgiving unknown Vanilla Vegetarian
Grilled & Roasted Stone Fruit

Learn how to transform stone fruits into a show-stopping dessert. Jamie uses peaches, nectarines, apricots, and plums, but you can use whatever fruit is in season.
Almond American Argentine Barbecue BBQ & Grilling Best Of Cabbage Chicken Comfort Condiments Cooking Method Cuisine Dietary Dinner Dish Type Entertaining European Everyday Family Meals Festive Flavor Profiles Food Type Fruits Gluten-Free Grilling High-Protein Holidays Honey Interest Latin American Lemon Lessons Lunch Main Dishes Main Ingredient Meal Type Meat & Poultry Mediterranean None Occasions Outdoor Pineapple Potluck Quick Meals Restaurant-like Dishes Roasting Sauces Savory Side Dishes Sour Southern Special Occasions Sugar Summer Sweet Vegan Vegetables Vegetarian
Francis’s Roasted Chicken with Rescoldo Vegetables

Learn from Francis in his open-air kitchen, the quincho, as he shares two of his seven signature cooking methods utilizing live-fire: hanging and slow-roasting ingredients over heat and the rescoldo, burning vegetables in ashes. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to watch and learn these ancient cooking techniques.